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Four Industries That Could Use a Shrink Wrap Machine


What Does a Shrink Wrap Machine Do?

A shrink wrap machine does exactly what its name suggests: it wraps film around a product, then shrinks that film to tightly fit the product using a heat source. The film, a polymer plastic, can be clear or artfully decked out with graphics—whatever best fits the product. Shrink wrap machinesrange in size from handheld heat guns to industrial-size heat tunnels.


What Industries Benefit from Using Shrink Wrap Machines?

1. The Beverage Industry

Walk through any grocery store and you’ll spot neat and eye-catching bundles of shrink-wrapped beverages, ready for easy transport into your cart. The U.S. beverage market alone boasts more than $350 billion in annual sales, assisted by shrink wrap machines. Check out WIN-WIN PACK ’s Sealing and shrinking machine – built for speed, durability and quality to serve this demanding industry.


2. The Food Industry

Like the beverage industry, the food industry makes wide use of shrink wrap machines to package, protect, bundle and market its products. From canned goods and ready-to-eat foods to whole foods and more, shrink wrap machines can play a huge part in a product’s ease of transport and marketability. WIN-WIN PACK ’s sealing and shrinking machine are custom-built to provide precise and effective shrink wrap solutions across the food industry.


3. Consumer Goods Suppliers

Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and resellers use shrink wrap machines to protect and package a plethora of products. These solutions are employed to wrap board games, bundles of paper, toys, tools, DVDs, electronics, sports equipment and cleaning supplies … you name it. When used on consumer goods, shrink wrap can deter tampering, keep products neatly bundled, and protect items from environmental damage, ensuring that they reach buyers in good condition.


4. The Pharmaceutical Industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, shrink wrap machines play an integral role in sealing caps and providing a way to detect tampering. Pharmaceutical producers use these solutions to maintain safety and sterility standards across their over-the-counter and prescription products.

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